• Same day order confirmation.
  • Fast delivery directly to you.
  • No artificial dyes & pesticide free!

Composted Mulch (Black)

$199.00/Bag (1 Cubic Yard)
Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 $199.00
2 - 4 5 % $189.05
5+ 10 % $179.10
Actual Volume (cu. yd.) 1
Total Price $199.00
Size: 1 Yard Bag

A deep, black mulch aged to perfection over a year or longer. Use where you are looking to really make the landscape pop. Always FREE delivery!

    Additional Information

    Our Composted Mulch is a blend of reclaimed & recycled green waste and our premium fir mulch. Our Mulch Masters turn and blend the product all year until it is ready blanket your yard, smoothing any imperfections and providing the backdrop for your shrubs and flowers to really stand out, all while slowly releasing nutrients into the soil for next year! All of our mulches are just that: mulch. No dyes, chemicals or pesticides. Just pure, organic groundcovering…Just Mulch. Always FREE delivery, check out how our delivery process works and order your bags today!